February 23, 2025

Powerfood stinging nettle – very iron-rich, blood-forming and blood-purifying

Spring is coming and we already find the first harbingers in our gardens. Stinging nettle is a medicinal plant that is well known to us and has been used for a long time with a wide variety of applications.

Why this plant is said to have healing powers is no wonder. It is a true silicic acid bomb and is bursting with iron. Women in particular often suffer from iron deficiency, which can be easily corrected with a 2 to 4 week course of nettle treatment.

With a cure you can only win, because you detoxify at the same time, cleanse the urinary tract, counteract spring fatigue, strengthen nails, sprout hair and support the skin naturally.

The stinging nettle – a power food

The silicic acid contained in the nettle is responsible for strengthening our nails and hair and giving new energy to our skin. After the cold season, our defenses are weakened, for example, due to an insufficient intake of vitamins through food intake.

We do without many regional vegetables and fruits in winter, so wild herbs are an ideal power food and bring variety into our diet.

A tip for the first nettle tips: Pick our leaves in the spring and process us into a delicious pesto, so you always have a supply of fresh nettles even in winter!

The nettle – blood-forming and blood-purifying!

After numerous submissions from our customers, we are pleased to report that stinging nettle has significantly improved the blood count and iron levels in serious illnesses.

As the only hematopoietic plant in Europe, we should pay more attention to it again, because it should not fall into oblivion.

Already priest Künzle said: „If mankind knew how healthy the nettle is and if it did not protect itself from animals thanks to your nettles, the plant would already be extinct.“

Especially people who are overacidified, suffer from high blood pressure, have gout and rheumatism or suffer from joint pain, should make a purification cure with nettle tea more often in the year. This has a positive effect on the whole organism and fat metabolism.

In eczema, headache, kidney and urinary gland formation, the nettle has a healing effect. Nettle is our best blood purifying and at the same time blood forming medicinal plant. And there are certainly many more health applications.

We invite you to try our naturally produced nettle extract or nettle root drops!