October 18, 2024

Not alone with urinary incontinence: incontinence material helps with bladder weakness

Over eight million people in Germany suffer from temporary or chronic bladder weakness. Urinary incontinence is therefore a widespread disease. Nevertheless, those affected are extremely reluctant to talk about it.

They are far too embarrassed by the uncontrollable loss of urine. Incontinence material for urinary incontinence helps to prevent social isolation, significantly improve the quality of life and reduce everyday impairments.

Since it is estimated that only one in five of those affected goes to the doctor, the number of unreported cases is high.

However, urinary incontinence is not just a problem for older people, because bladder control can also be impaired after pregnancies or accidents.

Urologists who can diagnose and treat urinary incontinence distinguish between many different forms of bladder weakness.

Some forms of incontinence occur only temporarily and can be improved, for example, by pelvic floor exercises. Others, on the other hand, place a permanent burden on those affected and should be accompanied by therapy.

In all cases, people with urinary incontinence benefit from the now extensive range of modern incontinence equipment that alleviates or eliminates bothersome side effects of bladder weakness.

There are many causes of bladder weakness

Urinary incontinence can have various causes. Medically, a distinction is made between:

  • Stress incontinence

The affected person cannot control urine leakage under physical strain. When coughing, sneezing or laughing, but also when lifting or carrying heavy objects, wetting occurs.

In women, this is the most common form of incontinence. Pregnancy and childbirth, as well as hormonal changes during menopause, weaken the pelvic floor muscles and the closure mechanism of the urethra.

The use of incontinence material – whether temporary or permanent – can help here to master everyday life without embarrassing moments.

  • Urge incontinence

Sudden urge to urinate and the feeling of not being able to hold the urine until a toilet is reached characterize urge incontinence. The causes can lie in the bladder muscle itself, in a bladder infection or tumor disease.

Urge incontinence is the most common form of incontinence in older people. In order to be able to participate in cultural and social life in old age, it is advisable to purchase equipment to combat incontinence. So even minor mishaps never again affect upcoming activities.

  • Mixed incontinence

It is possible for stress and urge incontinence to occur together: That is, there is both a sudden, precipitous urge to urinate and physical activity plays a role in the incontinence.

Incontinence due to nerve disease or injury

If the nerves responsible for bladder storage and emptying are damaged, neurogenic incontinence occurs.

This is the case, for example, with spinal cord damage (z.B. paraplegia) or disturbances in the brain (e.g., spasticity).B. Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease) is possible. Particularly in the case of incontinence caused by nerves, the use of incontinence material is indispensable.

  • Overflow incontinence

If the bladder literally overflows, this is referred to as overflow incontinence. Triggered by incomplete emptying of the urinary bladder due to muscle weakness or blockage of the urethra.

Men suffer from this form of incontinence more frequently than women. Especially tumor diseases of the urinary bladder or prostate or. benign prostate enlargement are responsible for this.

Incontinence material in various designs offers good protection against unpleasant situations as a result of urine leakage.

  • Extraurethral incontinence

When urine does not leave the body through the urethra, but through malfunctioning ducts, this is called extraurethral incontinence.

The most common cause of this disease is fistulas, newly formed small passages in the body, for example between the bladder and the vagina. The use of incontinence material provides a drier and more comfortable feeling for affected persons.

  • Pelvic floor weakness and descent problems

Among other things, the pelvic floor is responsible for continence. This is a muscle that can lose elasticity and strength due to age and strain. The result is problems with descent and pelvic floor weakness, which lead to uncontrolled urination.

The pelvic floor can – be trained like any other muscle –. Urinary incontinence is thus almost completely eliminated in most cases.

Until a pelvic floor training shows the desired effect, incontinence material can ensure that unwanted moments in work or private life are absent.

  • Enuresis

The exclusive nocturnal enuresis of healthy children after the age of five on at least two nights per month is referred to by experts as enuresis. The causes of so-called bedwetting are not fully understood.

Incontinence material helps parents and affected children to have calmer nights. Incontinence material prevents social isolation Bedwetting is not only unpleasant for the incontinent person.

If he or she does not take appropriate measures, secondary diseases are possible and the environment quickly becomes a witness to the health problem.

Since it is not possible to empty the bladder in a controlled manner, the risk of bladder infections or kidney damage increases for those affected, as bacteria increasingly collect in the bladder.

Skin irritation and eczema can also result from the constant moisture and urea. Wet laundry, the smell of urine, the constant search for the nearest toilet: for many of those affected, normal participation in public life initially no longer seems possible.

Yet there are many aids and products that make social isolation unnecessary. Urinary incontinence is very uncomfortable for everyone. The affected person is usually insanely embarrassed and in addition it restricts everyday activities extremely.

Outsiders often do not know how to deal with it when someone wets the bed. Incontinence material can help to increase the quality of life and well-being.

That bladder control is not possible for someone acutely or chronically, no one has to notice with the help of modern incontinence material.