October 22, 2024

Cannabis as an alternative medicine

Pain sufferers will be allowed to grow cannabis for their own use for therapeutic purposes in the future, according to a ruling by Cologne’s administrative court. This is the first time since the 1930s that cannabis may be used for medical treatment again.

The history of medical marijuana

Cannabis is one of the first plants that man consciously used for healing purposes. The first tradition brought the encyclopedia of the emperor Shennong, which is called Shennong pĂȘn Ts’ao ching and dates from around 2700 BC.

In fact, marijuana remained an essential ingredient in medicine and pharmacology until the 1930s.

Among other things, the active plant ingredient has been used in cough syrup, has been used as a remedy for digestive ailments, and has served as everything from a pain reliever to a corn plaster. By 1930, it was among the most prescribed medicinal plant extracts in the world.

After prohibition, which was enforced in many parts of the world, the medicinal benefits of cannabis fell into oblivion.

The medical benefits have been rediscovered

It was only in the last decade that medicine rediscovered the natural benefits of marijuana, leading to a revival in its use and ultimately to the ruling of the administrative court in Cologne, Germany.

Patients already being treated with cannabis in Germany are increasingly opting to be administered natural marijuana instead of the synthesized concentrate.

The natural variant allows a more precise control as well as better assessment of the dosage.

A recent study recognizes medicinal effects of cannabis

Focus Online reported that it can stop Alzheimer’s according to a study.

Here’s how researchers have discovered an active ingredient in the cannabis plant that helps fight Alzheimer’s disease. In low doses, THC, the active ingredient in the marijuana plant, can halt disease progression.

The study was conducted at the University of South Florida. THC is a known antioxidant, and this new finding is the first to show a direct link to Alzheimer’s disease.

In the future, THC as an alternative medicine may help find an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

Things to know about cannabis oil

Cannabis oil is versatile, but is also available by prescription above a certain concentration of 0.2% THC content. This is extracted from the hemp plant.

Unlike CBD oil, cannabis oil relies on the active ingredient THC, which pushes it into the realm of prescription drugs despite its many health benefits.

The effects of cannabis oil are versatile.

Patients report pain-relieving and appetite-enhancing effects, as well as psychoactive highs. However, ingestion that is not accompanied by a doctor should be avoided, as the oil can sometimes have very high concentrations of THC.